Learning about African Music was a bit hard for me to understand. Maybe because, this music I am not used to listening to. It is definitely not Taylor Swift! None the less, I can still appreciate hard work and effort that is put behind each musical creation. While pondering what I should write about and just googling random topics, I did come across a couple of items that I thought was interesting and wanted to share with you. 1. New Wave Dance Music From South Africa I am not going to lie, this one I had to listen to a few times to really appreciate it. But first, let me give you some background. This music is traditional South African music compiled with electronic sounds to create this fast paced, exciting sound all together. According to the Shangaan Electro Album, this type of music is popular between Johannesburg, Limpopo and Mozambique. This fast paced music creates a highly energetic sound that makes many people want to dance. When Listening, at first I almost wanted to know wh...